buffalo meat

By Ahmed Sy

I have always loved cooking on barbecue grills. A lot of people think that a barbecue grill is easy, and it can be. Sometimes, all you have to do is get the coals going, throw on some neat, and enjoy the results. But like anything else, barbecue grilling can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. Just learning to get the temperature perfect, get good, even grill marks, and season the meat properly can be an art in and of itself. The bottom line is, you can take your barbecue grill as far as you want to.

I have to confess that one of the things I like about this form of cooking is that it is so easy to get good results. As long as you have the rights barbeque sauce, you can not go wrong. Until recently, I never had to try a barbecue sauce recipe, because there was a locally made barbecue sauce called Memphis Minnie's that was just simply spectacular. Unfortunately, it recently went under.

Another signature of the person who ultimately becomes a chef is an inordinate interest in cookbooks that extends to cuisines around the world. Books on the art and techniques of cooking are consumed like candy. Does this sound familiar? If so, you're on the right track to becoming a chef.

There comes a time when you need to expand your horizons with some professional experience. It's easy enough to get a job in the kitchen of a dinner house, especially when you're a knowledgable foodie. You may start out as the salad chef's assistant. Chefs do have a notorious reputation for being temperamental. They are artists in their own right, you know. So you may take frequent tongue lashings for an improperly placed garnish or some such. If you want to become a chef, this is just part of paying your dues. If you can survive the experience graciously, congratulations. You probably have what it takes to become a chef.

Preparing a barbecue sauce recipe is not as easy as you might think. You have to strike a delicate balance between preserving the flavor, and creating something that is delicious immediately after it is cooked. Almost any good barbecue sauce recipe, it turns out, has to be used within a week of being prepared. Otherwise, it will become stale.

Buffalo meat tastes similar to beef, but has more flavor. This meat has a texture much like beef and does not taste "gamey". The fact that it is so lean requires special preparation techniques to turn out a tender juicy piece of buffalo meat.

If you're using ground buffalo to grill up some burgers, here are some tips on turning out a mouthwatering burger.

There are some approaches cooks can take to create wonderful dishes that are truly original without committing an entire day to the effort. Some great meal ideas start with taking cooking shortcuts that will help you along in your endeavor to create a variety of tasty dishes in record time.

Today, barbecue sauces come in many textures ranging from a runny liquid to sumptuously thick. Some barbecue purist gourmets look down on the addition of any external flavorings, but a glance at the grocery aisle offerings of available barbecue sauces attests that there are many people who disagree. There are barbecue sauce recipes flavored with fruit, ginger, cayenne, habaneros, chipotle peppers, teriyaki and a host of others.

A barbecue sauce should be complementary to what you're cooking and how you're cooking it. Most commonly used on beef, pork and chicken, barbecue sauce can also be used to brush fruit kabobs, dip fries, and even as a marinade. The cooking method also plays a role in the barbecue sauce recipe that you choose. Baking a meat in the oven only requires a thin coating of sauce, so that it will caramelize without burning. Some grilling enthusiasts swear by a thick sauce for grilling. Application time is critical in achieving the perfectly flavored barbecue dish. When baking, the condiment should be applied mid-way through the cooking time. With grilling, it should be brushed on, but lightly, throughout cooking for a thick, caramelized coating. Now that you've got a grip on your brush and know how and when to apply the garnish, let's move on to your barbecue sauce recipe.

Instead of cooking a single roast, cook two. Maybe you have some chicken to bake as well. Dedicate one afternoon to precooking and you will have several dishes ready on hand in no time at all. There are plenty of meal ideas that can be used that take little time at all when you have the main ingredient precooked.

If you don't care for the standard meat tenderizer powders because of their MSG content, here's an alternative. Look in that section of the seasoning aisle for ones containing papain as the tenderizing agent. Papain comes from the papaya leaf. Papaya leaves were used in many cultures for hundreds of years, to dress a piece of meat for cooking. It works remarkably well.

The perfect barbecue sauce recipe is the one you, your family and friends love best! There are so many out there, you owe it to your taste buds to experiment. Who knows but that when you've sampled them all, you may find the only sauce for you is the original.

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